Savior, You are the one in whom I place all my trust. You are a good God and I love You.
Psalm 118:1-29
Are you willing to stand as a servant with the rejected Master?
"The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone" (22), and we are called to rejoice in the day when this was done (24). The religious leaders did not recognize Jesus but rather rejected him. God, however, has raised him up. God has exalted the one who was crucified.
The Scriptures teach us that if people treated the Master that way, they will treat the servants the same (John 15:14). But those who are willing to stand with Jesus when rejected will find that they also stand with him in honor. The day is coming when the victory that happened on the cross will be fully realized. On that day those who shared in the suffering will share in glory.
Let us praise the one who is "the stone the builders rejected...the cornerstone" (22). Let us live in a way that demonstrates that we are willing to stand with him regardless of what the world says or does. Let us remember that in this we will be greatly honored (Matt. 10:32).
Many speak about Jesus as Lord. Ask God to search your heart. Align your whole self with this profession.
Lord, You have done marvelous things. You have done it all well. You are worthy of all honor and of lives laid down.