If you want to buy anything in the U.S., you’ll need some dollars. In Japan, you’ll need yen. In Europe, you’ll have to have some euros, unless you’re in England, in which case you’ll need pounds. Every economy has its currency, and you can’t get what you want or need unless you learn to use it.
That’s how it is in God’s kingdom too, but the currency isn’t paper or coin. It’s faith. You can hardly get anything without it. Salvation comes by faith, answers to prayer are given in faith, and healing and deliverance come to those who believe. In fact, the writer of Hebrews tells us it’s impossible to please God without faith (Hebrews 1:6). It’s how the kingdom functions.
Why is faith the kingdom’s essential currency? Perhaps for the statement it makes about God—that he is good, willing, generous, able, and powerful. Hearts thrive on this knowledge, and they draw close to him. He responds to fulfill our expectations of him.
Learn to use this currency well. Don’t turn your relationship with God into a transaction, but understand the importance of relational capital that matters to him. Let your heart hope in him, then live with expectation for his goodness—no matter what circumstances say to you. Faith rises above appearances, and it’s always eventually rewarded. It’s the most valuable currency in any realm.