The Daily Bread Principle

Jesus told his disciples to pray, “Give us each day our daily bread” (Luke 11:3 NIV; also Matthew 6:11). They probably recalled the well-known story of how God provided manna in the wilderness for the escaping-then-wandering people of Israel. Every day, a bread-like substance settled from heaven like dew, but the people were allowed to gather only enough for that day (except the day before Sabbath, when they could gather for two). They could not hoard; they would have to trust God for tomorrow. Saving up was not an option.

Most of us can stock up our pantries and refrigerators, but the principle holds true for any person of faith. We can’t live off of yesterday’s provision; we have to trust God every day. Each new day, we need a fresh word from him, a solution for our needs, a relational touch, an answer to a question, and more. We can’t worship for the entire week on Sunday, work for the entire week on Monday, or give for the entire week on any other day. God chooses to relate to us daily. Anything less springs from a desire to live by principles rather than by relationship with him.

God won’t allow that because he insists on relationship. If he were to provide graces and blessings once each week or month, we would only relate to him once each week or month. Relationships don’t work that way. Ask him for daily bread—in every possible sense of the word—today. And then come back again tomorrow.




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