The Disheveled Lady At the Convenience Store

It’s probably not nice to label someone as disheveled or scruffy. If the truth be known, we’re all a little ruffled at times. Amen? But I did happen to meet a rather interesting character at the 7-Eleven store last week. I love it when God unfolds a scenario when I least expect it.

Karsen, my thirteen-year-old granddaughter, and I were on our way to Lawton, Oklahoma, for a women’s event. I was excited that she was now old enough to travel with me and even work my product table. Of course, before we left town, I did what any good “Grammy Pammy” would do before a road trip. I stopped at the convenience store so she could load up on beef jerky, gum, Cheetos, and cotton candy.

While standing in the checkout line, a lady behind me nervously tapped her foot. So naturally, I offered for her to go in front of us. My kindness must have unleashed her pent-up emotions because out of nowhere she unloaded without taking a single breath: “Thank you, ma’am. I just got out of the hospital. I had a motorcycle accident which crushed my head because I didn’t have on my helmet. Can you see my hair is growing back? My boyfriend’s out in the truck. See? (as she showed us her hand)… See, my ring? I’m engaged. I’m buying cigarettes, but he doesn’t know I smoke. Yes, ma’am, it was a bad bad accident, but I’m now getting married next week,” she concluded almost turning purple having not breathed once since she began her dissertation.

I stood there enmeshed in a shockwave moment as she glared at me, with Karsen caught in the wake. I was reminded of a passage I had read in Matthew 28 the previous week of Jesus’ last words to His disciples: “Go, and make disciples.” The Greek word for go is not a onetime action. It means as you are going … make disciples.

In other words, “as you are going” tell others about Me. “As you are” standing in the convenient store, speak of Me. “As you are” strolling through the mall, speak of Me. God’s message was clear: “As you go your way,” look for opportunities to plant seeds. So here I was in the store with this lady behind me, and – BAM – I found myself in the center of my “going,” so I seized the moment.

“Lady, you’re amazing! God must have a great plan for you, saving you from that horrible accident. I wonder why God miraculously healed you. What do you think He’s doing in your life?”

She looked back at me in a trance much the same way I had earlier glared at her. And with her bohiney pushing against the glass door to get out of that place, and while taking a quick puff off her cigarette, she replied, “I don’t know, ma’am, about that plan of God’s, but maybe I’ll think about it later.” And off she went, of course, squishing her cigarette underfoot before she got into her fiancé's truck.

Who knows when the Spirit of God will bring to this woman’s mind thoughts of His bigger plan? All I know is that as followers of Christ, we’re nothing more than His agents on earth, pollinating the Father’s good will along this dusty road called life.

So let me ask you a question. Just where is it you’re “going” this afternoon? Gear up, my friend, and be prepared. Invisible divine encounters just might be surrounding you.

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