“When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don’t throw away your ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer.” —Corrie ten Boom
Adversity is a dividing line. It has one of two effects in our lives: it draws us closer to God or turns us away from him. We see ample evidence of both—people who have experienced unspeakable horrors and grown strong in their faith, and people who have experienced horrors and live in bitterness toward God. If God were looking for a foolproof test to determine those who hunger for him and those who don’t, adversity would serve the purpose well.
Perhaps that’s one of God’s purposes behind the trials and tribulations of our lives. He doesn’t author evil; he is not responsible for pain. But he certainly uses it, and he designed a world in which pain does its unyielding work. To a very large degree, how we respond to suffering determines the quality of our relationship with God.
Let any and every hardship draw you closer to him. Never turn away, no matter what lies are whispered in your heart. Adversity is never reliable evidence that God is opposed to you. It’s always an opportunity to come nearer. When you need him most, depend on him most. He will strengthen your faith in times of need and prove himself entirely worthy of it.
Let us run with endurance the race God has set before us (Hebrews 12:1 NLT).