The Door Is Closed

"But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen." (Matthew 6:6 NIV)

We have a new saying in our house. It developed from an experience with my son Nathaniel. He and our other son, Jeremy, have really developed this summer in their devotion life. I see them reading their Bible and praying more and more.

One recent morning Nathaniel was on his bed reading his Bible. I walked in to tell him something. Shortly after, my wife went in to put away some clothes she had folded. Later that morning, Nathaniel came to me with a question. He said, "Daddy, I don't mean to be rude, but can I have some time in the morning where no one comes into my room, so I can be alone with God?" Obviously I said no way! (Just kidding!) Of course I encouraged this. I told him to close his door and we would make sure not to bother him.

The next day, he and I were driving somewhere. He was reading his Bible next to me and I was trying to carry on a simple conversation. At one point he looked up at me and quietly said, "Daddy, the door is closed." Instantly I knew what he meant. He was spending time with God, and he did not want to be disturbed. I have taught him not to interrupt people when they are talking, shouldn't I expect no less of myself when he is talking to God?

So, we have a new saying in our home. When one of us wants time alone with God, we simply have to say "the door is closed". Each of us will understand that phrase and we will respect their time with God.

Do you have a time when you can say "the door is closed"? Close the door today, maybe right now. Right now, stop, wherever you are, close the door, open your heart, and spend time with your Redeemer! It will change your life perspective!

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