Lily Tomlin, a great comedian, says if you win the rat race it only means you’re the fastest rat.
For most us, we only think about winning the race. We don’t think: Is this a race I really want to win?
The fastest rat? Really? Surely life has more to offer than that. It does, but you have to be intentional about your choices. You can’t just go with the flow.
Everyone knows that water flows downhill. Here’s a news flash: when left unattended, EVERYTHING flows downhill. So, pay attention, and be very intentional about deciding WHO you want to be in your life and WHAT you want to do with your life. Then, make your choices accordingly.
Sure, life is hard. But just because it’s hard isn’t a guarantee that you’re doing the right thing. Too many of my friends have arrived at the painful realization they have been working very hard at the wrong thing. They won a race they didn’t want to run in the first place.
Working harder at the wrong thing doesn’t make it right.
Life is hard. Nothing comes cheaply.
This is a good day to make sure you’re running the right race, working for the right thing and in general paying the price for what you want. Every now and then, you need to lift your nose from the grindstone to make sure you’re going where you want to go.
After all, you don’t want to be the first person to arrive at the wrong place.