“Fear imprisons, faith liberates; fear paralyzes, faith empowers; fear disheartens, faith encourages; fear sickens, faith heals; fear makes useless, faith makes serviceable.” - Harry Emerson Fosdick
Fear, though invisible, either can propel us forward or keep us stuck. It doesn’t take much to scare us; in fact, it’s usually a tiny seed in our thoughts that creates an imagined problem or outcome and constructs an invisible prison.
Fear: An unpleasant emotion caused by the belief that someone or something is dangerous, likely to cause pain, or a threat; Dread, dismay, trepidation, panic.
Consider this: every big and good thing comes on the other side of fear-- promotion, changes, having your first child, getting married, a new job or friendship.
Fear has trapped me for a large part of my life. Fear was originally designed to keep us safe. It was an internal alarm system that sound when real life-or-death situations arose. Growing up in my house was a daily struggle with fear. This fear was necessary to keep me aware and alert, and to try to protect myself (which did not always work).
Damaging Fear:
- Keeps you stuck and stagnant
- Causes phobias, anxiety, illness and depression
- Makes you doubtful and distrusting/lacking in faith
- Prevents healing and growth
- Is not how God created you to live
- Sees the bad in situations, not the good
Constructive Fear:
- Protects you and alerts you
- Pushes you to new heights
- Propels you forward
- Shows growth
- Reveals healing
Recently, when I have been in situations that cause me fear and anxiety, I have been trying to put things into perspective. I ask myself:
How will this work out for Gods glory and my good?
Just asking myself this question puts me in a completely different head space. When I put God at the forefront of my life and my problems, I am better able to see how everything will work out for my good.
“For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” -Jeremiah 29:11
Living takes risk; there is no way around that. How you choose to live is a direct choice.
“As you grow, you reach a point where you either move forward or you remain stagnant and miss your life. You either cower in fear to protect yourself, or you take a leap of faith propelled by courage, and you begin to risk.” - Stephen Arterburn
We stay away from risk because we fear it will cause us pain. When you have been hurt deeply the last thing you want to do is take that risk again. So you will build walls of fear as a protection that inevitably become a life sentence in the prison of your mind; “Those walls have not protected you; they have infected you.” Stephen Arterburn
What do you fear at this moment in your life ? Do you have faith that God will be able to use it to glorify Him and for your ultimate good?
I pray that fear will no longer hinder you and the plans for your life, In Jesus name, Amen.
Written by Leilani Glassmyer