The process of completing a will can be overwhelming, but you’ll find it’s a worthwhile investment of your time — bringing peace of mind for you and your family. By working through the four areas listed below, you’ll lay the foundation for an estate plan that helps you steward your God-given resources and best provide for the people and ministries you care about most.
- People
List family members and other individuals, as well as charitable organizations, that will be part of your estate distribution.
- Property
Identify all of the assets over which God has made you a steward and include the title in which the assets are held.
- Plans
Create your plan using prayer. Then move forward with what you understand to be God’s plan of stewardship for the distribution of your estate. Think about how you want the property you’ve identified distributed to the people you’ve listed. These plans will determine who will be given your assets and how much each person or organization will receive, as a dollar amount or percentage.
- Planners
List those people who you rely on for advice to make significant financial and legal decisions, like your attorney, accountant or financial planner.