The Fruit Doesn’t Lie

“Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they’re ravenous wolves. You recognize them by their fruits.”Matthew 7:15-16a

What is a prophet? Let’s begin by explaining that the main role of a real prophet is to tell you the truth – the truth about God, that is. A “false” prophet, on the other hand, is going to be somebody who tells you what you want to hear or what they want you to hear. That is not consistent with God’s Word. They may have a kernel of truth to what they say, but it won’t be the whole truth.

A few examples of modern day “false prophets” of which Jesus says to be aware: Men (and women) pose as “friends” to young girls and boys who may be living in terrible situations at home and are vulnerable, broken and needy. False prophets lure these children into a false sense of security by telling them they will make their lives better, will love and care for them. The children who are desperate for love will believe anything and before you know it, they find themselves as nothing but objects in the dark world of sexual molestation, or child pornography, or prostitution. A false prophet teaches that is it good to give to God so you will be blessed materially. No doubt, Scripture says God blesses us when we are generous. But God’s Word is also clear we don’t give to get, rather we give trusting God will meet our needs and then we can give more. False prophets teach “the health and wealth” gospel – not the gospel of Jesus. That’s exactly how Satan works through false prophets to attack us – they are wolves in sheep’s clothing and they find our weaknesses, turning our eyes away from the Truth. Can’t you just hear Satan’s sickening victory chant whenever he succeeds in snatching another life by his web of lies?

Jesus says that we will be known by our fruits. The fruits of the Spirit are love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. He also says that we can recognize false prophets by their fruits, because they produce diseased, bad fruits, which will eventually be cut down and thrown into the fire. So beware and be vigilant. The closer we walk with God, the less likely we are to be fooled.

A false prophet will tell you that what God’s Word says is evil is really good and what God says is good is really evil. It pleases the majority, but it doesn’t please God. In fact, it is the opposite of God’s Word.

Jesus says to beware of false prophets. They may sound like a Christian, but they are self-serving wolves that appear to be for us, when their words work against us.

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