So (the lame man) gave them his attention, expecting to receive something from them. Then Peter said, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.” Acts 3:5-6
Being YOU means there is a flow out. Being YOU is not just for you to feel good about yourself; it’s also for you to give out to others. Jesus is wanting you to be confident in who YOU are so that you will reach out to the people around you who so desperately need a touch from Him. And here’s the best news: Jesus is not asking for you to give what you don’t have; He just wants the natural expression of who you are.
In this scripture above, Peter does this: The lame man had been sitting and begging at the gate all of his life, and this day was no exception. He looked up to Peter, wanting some money. But that is not what Peter had. Little did the man know that what Peter did have was so much better! Good thing Peter didn’t disqualify himself and do nothing because he lacked what the man was asking for. Quite the contrary, Peter gave what he did have and it changed the man’s life forever.
Never disqualify yourself because you think you don’t have the right stuff to offer! What do you have to give? Do that! Just be YOU. Are you a host? Then host great parties. Your parties may create lasting friendships with people. Are you an encourager? Then write letters or send texts of uplifting words to people. Your message might be the only light they see that day. Do you love to work with your hands? Mow someone’s lawn who can’t physically do it, or change the oil in a single mom’s car. Your act of service could be the thing that brings them hope.
Who YOU are today is enough. What you have to give RIGHT NOW is exactly what God is asking of you. No gift of yourself is too small to change the life of another. So what are you waiting for? GO and BE YOU to someone who needs a touch from Jesus.
Make a list of 2-3 things you are good at. Thank God for giving you the ability to do these things and then ask Him to show you who you can bless.
Father, I believe You have created me to be a blessing to others. I trust that You’re not asking me to be anything except who You made me to be. Help me today to recognize who needs a touch from You. Give me the opportunities to reach out to those people and show them Your love.