The Girl Behind the Glass Window

One of my favorite stories revolves around one of my husband’s experiences as a college student.

Day after day when walking toward his dorm with books strapped on his back, he’d pass a sorority house where a lovely girl sat behind the glass in the corner of the window waiting for him to walk by so she could wave to him. Each time, he’d wave back. He didn’t think much of it at first, until he purposely walked by the house at different times of the day just to see if she was there. And sure enough, there she sat – scoping, watching, anticipating him to acknowledge her presence.

It reminds me of one of my favorite scriptures in 2 Chronicles 16:9 – For the eyes of the Lord roam through the earth to and fro to show Himself strong to those whose hearts are fully committed to Him. 

I wonder if the Almighty sits behind a palace glass looking down on His earthly subjects waiting for one of them to wave back. Does He notice pedestrians walking by that never look His way? Does He feel disheartened that He has so much to give behind that glass but can’t find any takers? Or does He perk up with elation when one of His children turns to Him for a supportive glance, a special favor, or a much needed boost of reinforcement?

Friend, I don’t know about you, but it brings me great comfort in knowing that God waits on high to bless our lives. Life may not always turn out the way we had planned, but rest assured, when we pass by the window of His throne room with a craving to love Him, His eyes take notice of our “waves of desire” granting Him the perfect signal to infuse us with His strength.

What are you carrying in your backpack today? Never has a heavenly wave been more vital than this very moment.

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