Jess, my 14 year old son came running into the living room tonight with a huge smile on his face. “Mom, I think I had my first vision!!” “Really? Whoa tell me!!” He explained it all to me and it was SO good I told him to write it all out before he forgot and I would post it. So here it is! Simple, yet awesome.
VISION: There was a man who owned a house. Half of his house was up to the ceiling in trash… like the kind of house that you would see on a hoarder show. It was gross and disgusting.
The other half was new, shiny, and was like it was perfect and golden.
This man just kept focusing on cleaning up all the trash that he had in the house and the mess just kept getting bigger and bigger. He put so much time thinking and worrying about all the trash in the house it’s like he forgot about the other side. He forgot about the “golden side.”
So I think God is saying that Christians tend to focus on all the trash in their life. We try to clean up all our sin by ourselves and the mess just gets bigger and bigger. And we forget about all the gold in our lives that we already have. We don’t rejoice that Jesus made us free from sin so we don’t have to worry about it. Sometimes we don’t thank God for all the good things that he’s done for us. We are angry and upset at ourselves for all the sin that we have in our lives and we forget that we’re already forgiven! God has already forgiven us so why keep trying to clean up the mess ourselves? Why are we living in our trash when we could be living with our gold?
Written by Jess Ford