The Great Artist

When you are painting, your picture never says, “I think you should add a little more blue.” The modeling clay doesn’t say, “Are you sure you know what you’re doing? That side seems a little crooked; maybe you should straighten it out.”

Obviously, this doesn’t happen because that would be ridiculous. An art project doesn’t get to decide what it becomes; that’s the artist’s job.

God is a Great Artist too—and you are his masterpiece. Each of us is tempted, though, to ask God if he really knows what he’s doing. “Why did he put me in this family?” “Why can’t I be more like the popular kids?” “Why can’t I be smarter?” God thinks your questions are, well, a bit ridiculous too. “How horrible it will be for the one who quarrels with his maker. He is pottery among other earthenware pots. Does the clay ask the one who shapes it, ‘What are you making?’ Does your work say to you, ‘There are no handles’?” (Isaiah 45:9).

When God looks at you, he sees the finished masterpiece, even while he’s building you, shaping you, molding you into the person he wants you to be. As you live and serve him, you don’t question how he made you. You simply marvel at the unique, amazing way he created you.

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