Scripture: 2 Samuel 3:6-4:12
"As the war between the house of Saul and the house of David went on, Abner became a powerful leader among those loyal to Saul." (2 Samuel 3:6 NLT)
The old green-eyed monster will get us every time. Yes, jealously will cause us to do things we would not ordinarily do. It is a very successful weapon in the enemy's arsenal. Saul's son was as green with jealousy over Abner as Saul was over David. We don't know if the accusations against Abner are substantiated, but they burned him to the point of defecting from Saul's army and joining David's.
Let’s zoom in and examine the word jealousy. Jealousy means:
- Resentment against a rival, a person enjoying success or advantage
- Mental uneasiness from suspicion or fear of rivalry, unfaithfulness
- Vigilance in maintaining or guarding something
Last year, I came face-to-face with this very issue. I felt like the Lord asked me to confess to the person of whom I was jealous. Once I confessed, jealousy released its grip on me. Finally, my resentment and mental uneasiness lost their power. This monster nearly cost me a relationship with a person I love dearly.
What has jealousy cost you or caused you to do? Defect on a relationship? “Kill” someone with words or disrespectful treatment? Make demeaning and false accusations? Pray and ask the Lord if you should confess your jealousy. If it is wise, you could confess to the person you are jealous of; if not, talk to another person or confess to the Lord. Then, repent of giving in to the green-eyed monster and give thanks to the Lord for your many blessings.