Let Your hand be with me... 1 Chronicles 4:10 NIV
The greatest comfort in my life is knowing that the hand of God is with me!
My wife would do anything within her power to help me. Today, when I came home from work, I sat down at my computer to check my emails, which is an everyday occurrence. Something was different, however. Sitting on my desk was something new. I had an antique desk lamp hanging over my work. I have not had a desk lamp for some time, but I have often commented on the desire. Yesterday we saw one in the mall and I just in passing mentioned it to Cheryl. Today, on her lunch break, she made a special trip to the mall to get one. Thank you, God, for my wife!
While my wife’s actions impress me, I realize that she is a limited creation. There are situations in my life, struggles I will face, about which she can do nothing to help me. Not that she wouldn’t want to try. I honestly believe she would fight fire and Hell itself for me, but there are just some things beyond her ability. She can’t do all things.
There is One who can do all things, however! The One is the Lord, Jesus Christ! He is infinite in power and dominion. He has all the answers. Why would I not want His help?
There are times that I feel overly confident in my abilities, but the older I get, the more I realize I am helpless apart from God’s grace.
When I pray “let Your hand be with me,” I am not asking for God’s hand to “help me” when I’m deep in trouble and can’t find anyone else to help. I’m asking Him to help me every step of my life; in good times and in bad. I’m asking Him to take over, directing every move I make, every word I speak, every plan I implement. I’m asking Him to be my Lord, the boss of my life. God will not help in any other way! He wants preeminence in my life.
Before you pray “let Your hand be with me,” you'd better be prepared to have Him active in all aspects of your life! That’s the way He will interpret that prayer!