“Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up…you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there…” Psalm 139:7-8.
When our children were little they always wanted to be in my presence (until the teenage years!). As a result of this close fellowship, I believe they felt safer and more secure as they experienced the love we gave them. They could go upstairs and be confident that while we were out of sight we were still in the home. They could go to a friend’s home and be assured that they would find us upon their return. They also knew that if they misbehaved they could not get away from the discipline we would give them. The more they invested in our relationship the more they trusted that love would always be the anchor and motivation. However, when they would do something wrong it limited the joy and fellowship in our relationship, creating a barrier for the moment. Although we didn’t leave, the fellowship of our presence was temporarily altered.
The same is with our Father as we have confidence in His presence whether we are experiencing the blessings of the highs or the despair of the lows. The issue is not whether God is with us but rather how much of God 's presence is being accessed. Are our circumstances causing us to respond in a way that temporarily limits the presence of God in His fullness? If we break love with another, then we are fleeing from His presence and going away from His spirit. He does not leave but we go in the opposite direction of love, limiting His presence in our life. We judge, we gripe, we gossip etc…
‘The cost of love is high, it cost the giving of yourself, but the more of yourself you give in love the more you will be filled with the presence of God. Anything in your heart that causes you to withhold love from God or another person also restricts the presence of God in you. If you have any anger against God, that is pride, and you are in great danger. Pride and anger both create a place in your heart for Satan. “Be angry, and do not sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place to the devil (Ephesians 4:26 – 27). If you have any unforgiveness or anger, because you are holding on to an offense, then you are hindering God from filling you. If you are withholding mercy and compassion from anyone then you are withholding love from them. If you are making judgments against people thinking that they do not deserve your love then you are withholding love from them.’ Seek God Ministries
There is a deep and critical connection between love for others and experiencing the fullness of Christ in our lives. The more love we extend the more presence we are promised. How will we love today?