The Hole in Your Soul

You have been called to live a life of purpose. God hasn’t created you to wake each morning, day after day, go to work, breathe in and out, and return home tired, exhausted, and without hope.

You haven’t been created to be like the man who once said, “I hate my job, but I just keep hanging on because I realize with every day that passes, I am getting closer to going home [to heaven].”

This man’s statement represents the tragedy of skills and talents wasted, dreams unfulfilled, and desires denied. He has swallowed the lie that living a mundane existence is God’s plan, and it’s just something he has to accept until he gets to the good stuff in eternity. In the meantime, he’ll suppress his passions, kill his dreams, and live a life he wasn’t designed for.

What if, unlike this man, you could live with a sense of joyful expectation? What if you could wake every day with a keen sense that you are doing what you have been created to do, using your skills, talents, and passions to make a difference? What if you could have confidence that your significance goes beyond paying bills, cleaning the garage, and living for the weekend? What if you could live a life full of joy and satisfaction, knowing that your life was making an impact that would last forever?

It’s undeniably clear that God has designed you for fulfillment—because He lovingly placed in you a "hole in your soul." This dissatisfaction and emptiness is with you every hour of every day and is there to remind you that you were created for something more.

Sadly, most people don’t understand how to fill this hole in their soul, so they turn to what the world offers, such as material possessions, drugs, alcohol, sex or the mere lure of worldly success. None of this will bring lasting satisfaction.

There is an answer.

Psalm 37:4 says, “Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart.”

The good news is that this hole in your soul is there to create a hunger in you that plays an important role in compelling you toward your unique role in God’s master plan. That is, if you can recognize it. It’s not the same as some other hungers. It’s not the one that hungers for a bigger house, a new car, or a sexy spouse. It’s a hunger in your soul that’s connected to the idea of seeing God’s plan carried out in the world. It’s a hunger that can only be fully understood by getting to know God, learning about His ways, and discovering how you were uniquely made to carry out His will.

The only way to fill your void and satisfy your hunger is to carry out the mission God made for you. The more you explore this hunger and where it leads, the more you will start to sense that you matter and how you matter. The more you ignore it, rationalize against it, or initiate your own direction for your life, the more you will feel incomplete – like a duck in the desert, trying in vain to find a good use for your feathers and webbed feet.

As you develop your relationship with the Lord, and you pursue your personal mission from God, you will discover the joy and satisfaction that God intended for you all along—and you’ll know that your life will create an impact that will last for eternity!

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