The How and When of Our Dreams

As he went along, he saw a blind man…‘The man they call Jesus made some mud and put it on my eyes.  He told me to go to Siloam and wash.  So I went and washed, and then I could see’” John 9:11.

We are told in John 9 that this man was blind and was approached by Jesus and his disciples. The blind beggar (v. 8) had most likely become complacent in his position, as his neighbors referred to him as the man who used to ‘sit and beg.’ But Jesus had a better plan for his life, and determined how, where and when the man would finally see.  I can’t imagine the joy of this man when he saw the beautiful mountains and his reflection of his face in the water for the first time.  Hadn’t this day just started off like a million other days?  How many times had he envisioned the day when he would get his greatest desire?  Would it be next week, next year or ten years?  Had he finally given up his search for that dream, and accepted the timeline of the Savior? Or sadly, maybe he had even resolved himself to the reality that he would never get his heart’s desire.

So these are the questions on the table this morning.  Have we resolved ourselves to the fact that we will never experience our greatest desire?  Have we implemented plans with such narrow ideas on when or how to receive our desire that we might miss out on it?  What if our discomfort is a result of a self-made plan that we are unwilling to surrender? What if the very timeline of our desires are lengthened due to our unwillingness to embrace God’s timeline even if it is different? What is God asking us to go down to the water and wash off?  What is He asking us to relinquish to Him?

Creation was built upon the directed order of things by God.  His timing was perfect on day 1 when He created heaven, earth, light and darkness.  Day 2 beautifully ushered the waters into being, followed by the land on day 3.  Each day brought forth another creation all working towards its perfect completion by a perfect Creator.  We all have deep desires for our future which keeps us anticipated with hope, purpose and excitement.  We must hold on to these positive encouragements in life, but must hold them loosely.  For whatever is held too tightly usually will be taken away. 

In one of God’s greatest ironies, though pain causes sorrow, that sorrow can cause growth if met with open and complete surrender.’ Spirit Hunger, p.192.

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