The Idea-Maker

Most of us have bursts of creativity from time to time. But between the bursts, ideas are hard to come by. How do you get unstuck? Ask him. Seriously, it’s that simple. He’s a wildly creative God, isn’t he? And as the author of all that exists, He’s pretty much a genius at math, science, art, literature, history, and all forms of expression. Doesn’t having a relationship with him mean he shares his thoughts with us? Is it possible to get close to a creative God without experiencing an increase our creativity? I don’t think so. Like they say, we become what we behold.

George Washington Carver used to ask God to show him the mysteries of the peanut, and he ended up with more than 300 ideas that changed the face of southern agriculture. Seems pretty effective to me.

The inner skeptic protests: I’ve asked him for ideas, and nothing happens. But the inner skeptic has little insight and a bad memory. It’s true that you can ask God for creative ideas and experience absolutely no sudden insights or change in energy. But you can usually look back a few days later and see that the breakthroughs came. You don’t know how or even when, but your thoughts are different. And, if you’re like me, you probably just thought they were yours.

They weren’t. At some point, you realize you got what you prayed for. God is a specialist at inspiration—in “breathing into” his people with his own thoughts, feelings, and desires. Asking him for ideas in itself is a pretty bright idea.

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