The Inner Life

True peace and sanity can only be found in the presence of Almighty God.

Jesus says: “I have told you all this so that you might have peace in Me. Here on Earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the World.” (John 16:33,) NLT.

This scripture is more applicable now than ever before. We really need to live to please Him, not man! The more you try to please man, the more you fail. And the more you fail, the more unhappy you become.

We will never, ever find peace and purpose trying to make people happy, nor trying to find acceptance from them!

We need to to obey the statutes and commands of God alone, to seek our peace and acceptance from Him, for truly He alone, Jesus the Christ, is the only one who died for us – no one else died for you and me.

So that quiet time each morning, before you start the day -- in the presence of the One who loves and appreciates you and me more than anyone in this old World -- is vital if we are to walk in peace and contentment through each day.

My dear friend, it really is not important what people’s opinions about you are. What is very important is God’s opinion about you, because He loves and knows you more than anyone else.

For God so loved the World, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16.

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