The Key to Happiness? Man-Up and Do the Dishes!


I’d like to call to your attention a small but important thing you can do to have a happier relationship with your better half.  

Any guesses? Here’s a hint: It’s not fresh flowers, jewelry, or anything material.

It’s actually housework—the unglamorous day to day chores that need to get done.

Still reading? Get this—last year, a study out of the Journal of Family Issues found couples who shared responsibilities around the house were happier. The research identified a strong relationship between couples who report higher quality of marriage and their satisfaction with the division of labor. It affects both parties, too—the study concluded that both spouses were happier when the men chipped in more to help and when they worked together on chores rather than by themselves.

Interesting, right? So regardless of the roles you play in your relationship, I thought I’d list a few small things here that you can make your contributions to the housework more perceptible.

Make Chores Fun

Turn on some music a little too loud and pour yourself an adult beverage before doing any deep cleaning—it’ll be over before you know it.

Schedule Them

Be proactive and plan a time with your significant other to tackle some of those outstanding to-dos. It’ll show that you’re thinking about it and are equally committed to getting it done.

Tag Team

Don’t sit around if she’s doing the dishes. Offer to dry or take on another task at the same time.

Signal Appreciation

For example, if you've become accustomed to your lady taking the lead on cooking, make sure she knows how much you appreciate it. Though no compliment is wasted, you can show your thanks by taking the next meal.

Written by Ryan Anderson

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