I recently led some Bible studies on Psalm 119, and a couple of verses in particular stuck with me and encouraged my soul. The first is verse 105, a beautiful verse that I bet you know by heart. It says, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path." I kept thinking about that picture of the lamp and the light. I once heard a commentator suggest that the lamp refers to our immediate walk while the light is something bigger. If you are walking along a dark path holding a lamp, it won't illuminate an enormous space, but it will allow you to see each step. The lamp keeps you from stumbling by revealing what's right in front of you, so you can move forward securely. But the light is for the long range; it reveals a view of what is coming up ahead.
When we stick with Scripture, when we hold on to the Word of God like it's the only thing separating us from total darkness, He not only protects us from falling right now, but also shows us His will for the time ahead. And the light is not something that only the person holding it can see- when we carry that light, we illuminate the way for those around us.
The Psalmist goes on to say in verse 165, "Great peace have those who love your law. Nothing can make them stumble." Great peace! If we love the Word of God, we have peace even as we walk toward uncertain things. Even more, nothing can make us stumble. Of course, we can stumble by placing something before the Lord in our priorities. But if our joy is in the Law of the Lord and keeping His commands, nothing- not bumps in the road or distractions along the way- can cause us to stumble.
So, as we pray for our ministry, for our own lives and for our families, we know that God's Word keeps us from stumbling and allows us to clearly see where we're going. Maybe you are going through tough times. Maybe you have big decisions ahead. Whatever the case, I urge you to take time to read the Bible daily. Search avidly for the answers in God's Word before looking anywhere else.