The Lord Is My ...

I don’t know who you are or what your life has been like, but without any of that information, I can tell you something about you: trouble will find your address.

Maybe you’ve experienced trouble in the past. Maybe you’re experiencing some sort of trouble today. And if neither of those apply, I would lovingly counsel that trouble will find you someday.

The reality is that you exist in a fallen world. Your body won’t operate the way it was meant to, circumstances are out of your control, and selfish people make selfish decisions that affect your life all the time.

In Psalm 27, David talks about his experience with trouble. It’s interesting how this Psalm begins, though, because David doesn’t first mention his circumstances; rather, he begins by meditating on the character of the Lord. He defines God in three ways: Light. Salvation. Stronghold.

The Lord is Light

Light represents all that is right and pure and just. In a world that is so impure and seemingly unjust, there is a God who rules over all. One day, every speck of darkness will be replaced by the glory of Jesus.

The Lord is Salvation

Salvation, in its broadest terms, means deliverance from evil. Even though it seems as if the bad guys are winning, the Bible declares that evil will not succeed. There will be a day when we’re all invited to the funeral of sin and death.

The Lord is Stronghold

In times of trouble, you need shelter and protection. As you feel weak and vulnerable, God provides Himself as a fortified building where we can run and hide.

Maybe you recognized that I left out a word from the verse: “The Lord is MY light, MY salvation, the stronghold of MY life.”

You see, the theology of the Bible is deeply personal. By glorious and mysterious grace, your life has been connected to the One who is light and salvation and stronghold.

Take courage today, because regardless of what trouble you will face today, the Lord is your personal light, your personal salvation, and your personal stronghold.


  1. What trouble have you faced in the past, or what trouble are you experiencing today?
  2. How is the Lord your light?
  3. How is the Lord your salvation
  4. How is the Lord your stronghold?
  5. What can you do to make theology more personal in your life?
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