The Most Secure Refuge

Scripture Reading — Psalm 46:1

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Psalm 46:1

When you are enjoying your dinner, do you think about the farmers who grew this food for you? Are you thankful for them? Farming is a difficult job that requires a special kind of talent and commitment.

I’m a city boy, but I’ve had a chance to visit and make friends with quite a few farmers in the United States and Canada. I always marvel at their work ethic, generosity, and devotion to Christian ministry. One farmer explained why he was so involved in supporting Christian causes. He said, “As a farmer, I depend on God daily. I want others to know that they can lean on him too.”

Many of us who live in cities have a false sense of security. I’m guilty of that as well. We think our bread comes from a grocery store and our milk from the local dairy. We forget how dependent we all are on the many variables that need to fall into place to allow farmers to put food on our tables. We forget how dependent we are on God. Today’s passage reminds us that the God upon whom we depend is our refuge and strength—our help in every kind of trouble. Psalm 46 states that even if continents break up and sink beneath surging waters, we are not fearful. What a powerful confession!

No matter where we live or what kind of life situation we are going through, we have secure protection in the Lord.


Father, thank you for being our refuge! When difficult times and circumstances come, we can always feel safe in your love and protection. Amen.

By Sergei Sosedkin


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