The Mystery of a Christian Marriage

Whenever we talk about marriage, people in the church quickly turn to Ephesians 5.

In verses 21 and following, Paul does address the expectations and responsibilities of husbands and wives.  But in our debates about what a husband is supposed to be and how a wife is to treat her husband, I’m afraid we miss several important messages.

For instance, have you read verse 32? “This mystery is profound, but I’m talking about Christ and the church.”

In other words, Paul is saying a Christian marriage is somehow related to Christ and His church. How? Well, here’s how—the greater mission of the church is lived out in smaller ways in every Christian marriage.  Evangelism, discipleship, worship, hospitality, missions, care of neighbor is done—and in some ways, done best—around our kitchen tables.

I’m not sure many of us get that. Do we understand that a Christian marriage is the first place where some people experience the love of God? Or that our marriages are sanctuaries God has strategically placed in our neighborhoods so there will be a place where our friends can find God near them?

What would change in your marriage if you and your spouse understood your marriage as a sanctuary of God?  What if we understood the purpose of our marriages wasn't our personal happiness, but the service of Christ in our neighborhood?

I know, it’s mysterious but it’s about Christ and His church.

And that’s one of the things we miss when we read Ephesians 5 too fast.

And it’s one of the things most of us are missing from our marriages.

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