The News Is Good

Some people are bothered by preaching that seems overly positive, and I understand the concerns when the positives presented don’t reflect the Bible (which has a very positive message, by the way). But I’ve had plenty of exposure during my life to preaching and teaching that pointed out what’s wrong more often than it described what “right” looks like.

Have you noticed that Jesus didn’t do this? He rarely pointed out what was wrong unless he was addressing the self-righteous people who thought they were fine. He acknowledged our fallen nature, but he didn’t focus on what was wrong with people who were hurting or struggling. He gave them an experience of what's right.

There’s a reason Mark begins his gospel with the main point:

This is the Good News about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God. (Mark 1:1 NLT)

The gospel—i.e., the good news—is actually good. And every experience in God’s kingdom, no matter how difficult or trying, is ultimately designed to be an encounter with God’s goodness. Whatever you're going through, look for that place of encounter. Where others would turn away in discouragement, press in for deeper revelation of him. He's planning something extremely good.


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