The Offering of Inconvenience  

It’s easy to be disenchanted by our trials and inconveniences. They seem to steal peace and joy from us and offer nothing in return. But they are part of living, and for a life offered to God, they become part of the sacrifice we give him. If we choose to look at them as such, they are gifts to the glory of God.

Reflect on that for a moment. Is there anything in your life you are offering as a sacrifice to God? Or is your life of devotion an offering only of what’s convenient? If the latter, there’s a problem. In the words of David, how can we offer God that which costs us nothing? In a life of faith, every inconvenience, every problem, every hardship can become a gift in service of him. If it costs something, it means something.

Endure those inconveniences with a cheerful heart. Let every one of them become an offering to God. That’s easy to say and hard to do, but there’s great blessing in it. God sees our trials and takes pleasure in our willingness to sacrifice on his behalf. He has willingly sacrificed for us; he freely accepts our offerings of love in return.

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