The Physical Tank

I’m not going to take long on this; there have been thousands of books written on it. But this tank is so important. It’s is about giving God our physical selves. Part of your physical tank is impacted by how well you are taking care of your body. Now, I realize there are some things about your body you can’t control. But there are some big things you can, like sleep, eating healthy food, and exercising.

This one is so important, because for us to love God with all our strength, we have to build and maintain that strength. Think about it: The things that make us weaker physically like staying up too late, working too much, eating bad food, and not exercising, are the same habits that distance us from God. When we do take care of our bodies, not only do we love God first by giving him a healthy version of ourselves, our spouses get a healthy version of us.

We are better husbands and wives when we are feeling good. Even sex is better when we are feeling good. In order to love God with all our strength, we can’t forget the physical body that we live in. This may sound a little harsh, but I think this is true: Take care of your body now so your spouse doesn’t have to take care of it later. Taking care of your body is a great way to love God first and ultimately love your spouse more.


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