The Power of Consistency

There isn’t a single time when I’m listening to ‘I Love You Lord’ by Elevation Worship, when my heart doesn’t drop and my eyes don’t well up with tears. I keep trying to figure out why this song gets me so emotional. I finally have realized why. The lyrics in the bridge say, “a love that will not let me go, my soul will rest in you alone.” Another song, by my church, has a lyric that says, “You have always been, You will always be.” So strong and so valuable, they explain the power of consistency.

I know the thing that hurts me most in my relationships with people is inconsistency. We are all human. Romans 3:23 says, “for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.”

It is so easy for our hearts to be completely wrapped up in people, especially when it comes to how much they care about us; our hearts can end up disappointed so much of the time. People just don’t have what it takes to be that unshakable rock for us every single day.  Not a boy, father, mother, sister, best friend, coach, or teacher. They’re all human. Just like you and me, the people around us have off-days as well.

So what do you do when they have an off-day and you do, too? If your value is placed in people, through their words and attention, you will quickly lose heart when you see it’s impossible for them to please you every day. People are here one day and move away the next. She is your best friend one day and hates you the next; you know how it can go.

So much comfort can be found in one thing that remains the same through all the ups and downs.

In Matthew 8, Jesus is in the boat with his disciples. Jesus is asleep while his disciples are upstairs. Suddenly, a huge storm comes about and the disciples start panicking. They decide they need to go and find Jesus. They tell him to save them! Jesus responds saying, “Why are you afraid? You have so little faith! Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and suddenly there was a great calm” (Matthew 8:26). It was that simple.

We all want someone who is unchanging. We want someone we know will be there tomorrow, who will be there after a fight, and won’t look at us any differently after finding out our deepest secrets. Jesus is here for the long run, and I believe that is a trait we are all longing to find somewhere from someone or something.

He is it.

Written by Madi Cowell

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