The Power of Making Prayerful Proclamations

The ladies in my prayer group decided to pray standing up and holding hands.  We were to pray for two of the women in our prayer circle. They were both exhausted from each of their respective battles in praying for loved ones. From all outward appearances, it looked as if the enemy was winning big. My dear sisters were at a place of brokenness, so we began praying over them one at a time. It was a beautiful moment that represented the body of Christ well.

But something happened at the end that was even more beautiful.  One of the women that we were praying for began praying out loud over herself. She prayed like I had never before heard her pray. My friend began praying scripture from Psalm 139:10

"Your hand will guide me...while your right hand keeps a firm grip on me..."

Of all the prayers prayed that morning, this one held the most power. In her weakness she proclaimed the real truth of her circumstance—that no matter how this thing turns out, she is confident in God to guide her and to hold her in His grip, and because of that, all is well with her soul. 

Tears began to stream.  Faith is contagious, my friend.  Even our other dear sister began to proclaim God’s help and comfort from His Word in her prayer. 

I will never recommend naming it and claiming it, but proclaiming the qualities of God’s unfailing love from His Word is truly powerful for any situation. Do it!

“...but he has told me, “My grace is all you need, because my power is perfected in weakness.” Therefore, I will most happily boast about my weaknesses, so that the Messiah’s” power may rest on me."  2 Corinthians 12:9-10

What prayerful proclamations can you make?

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