The Power of One More

How much is enough? This question is often asked in ministry because our work is never done. The church never sleeps!

What drives us to the one more?

  • One more phone call?
  • One more prayer?
  • One more volunteer?
  • One more meeting?
  • One more idea?
  • One more leader?

It’s our purpose and passion that keeps us going. Ultimately it’s to reach one more person for Jesus. Our love for God and people inspires us to the one more!

But there is another truth. At some point you’ve done all you can do and you need more leaders to help you. And when it comes to volunteer leaders, it often seems like there are never enough. It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the need, so I’d like to encourage you with a thought about recruiting leaders in your church.

Never underestimate the power of just one new leader. If you raise up and develop just one leader, I mean someone who is truly helping you lead, that “one more” can change your church!

Think of it this way. If you are the senior pastor or on staff, consider all that you do. You are one person and you make a huge difference. Yes, you have more hours to contribute than a volunteer, but most key volunteer leader roles don’t require more hours than is reasonable. Sharp people will rise up.

In order to “right size” the problem of a shortage of leaders, go for one at a time. It is unlikely that you will find numbers of leaders in groups through an announcement. Like eagles, leaders are usually found one at a time.

A practice I highly encourage is to pray new leaders in one at time. What you pray for you look for, and what you look for you find. You may need to develop them, and that takes time, but that person can lead while you pour into them.

So don’t worry about the “many” leaders you need today. Ask God to help you find and raise up the one. If you are in a smaller church and convinced that person isn’t there, then pray that person in! My hunch is, that person is already there!


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