The Problem with Drifting

As a kid, I would go fishing on my grandpa’s lake in Michigan. In my eagerness to get started, I would forget to anchor the boat. I remember looking up moments later only to realize I couldn’t recognize the shoreline. I had unknowingly drifted, unaware of where I was in reference to the shore.

That’s the thing about drifting—it never happens consciously. The only way to know you’ve gone off course is to have a fixed reference point. For us, that’s Scripture. If we as the church do not anchor our hearts to the rock of God’s unchanging Word, we will be dragged along by the current of our culture unaware of where we stand in reference to God’s values.

It’s dangerously easy to embrace the voices of society when we lose sight of the voice of Truth. As our reference point, Scripture serves as a never changing guide on our journey to a life that honors God.

You must be careful to obey all the commands of the Lord your God, following his instructions in every detail. -Deuteronomy 5:32 NLT

Notice the verse says not some, but all of God’s commands. We are to heed and follow every detail of His instructions—not just the commands we like. Many Christians live by their favorite Bible verses while ignoring the rest. But we can rest assured that every command is for our good because we serve a God who loves us fully and unconditionally. A love like that will always point us in the direction of a life pleasing to God rather than blindingly following the influence of society.

In what areas of life have you lost sight of God and adopted a worldly viewpoint? In order to get where we want to go, we have to first know where we are. I encourage you to spend time in prayer asking the Lord to show you where you have unknowingly drifted and then use His Word as your map to get back on track.

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