The Problem with Fear

“Fear is never a good counselor,” wrote Russian philosopher Nikolai Berdyaev. But it’s a prolific one. It counsels us to play it safe when we should take steps of faith. It tells us to guard ourselves well, as if God had forgotten about us. It frustrates our dreams by telling us how unrealistic they are. For a silent attitude, fear can be awfully vocal.

We are told repeatedly throughout scripture not to be afraid. But even when we are, we can still move forward in faith. God makes the weak strong, the simple wise, the humble great, and the fearful bold. He sent cowering disciples into a world of disease and death on a mission to heal and restore. He commanded generals, priests, kings, and prophets to lead with the assurance he would be with them. He knows our tendencies and gives us every reason not to fear, even when we do.

Fear is actually a distortion of faith. It’s faith in something negative, placing trust in the dangers facing you more than in the God who protects you. Refuse to partner with it. Make no agreements with its threats. Turn your faith back to the truth God has spoken about your future and your circumstances. Confront fear and step out in faith. The God of power has promised to be with you.

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