The Problem With Pedestals

The problem with pedestals is we keep falling off of them. Falling hurts bad enough, but when someone has added the height of the pedestal, it hurts even more.

Without meaning to, some of us put our spouses on pedestals.

“My husband is the best guy in the world and no one could ever compare to him.”

“My wife is the best woman in the world and she makes my world complete.”

These words are flattering, and well-intended. But if we’re not careful, we end up putting too much pressure on our spouses.

First, remember, no matter how wonderful your spouse is, they can’t be your Savior. Only Christ can do that. To put up anyone else – even your spouse – in the place of where only Christ should be isn't fair to them and it’s wrong for you.

Second, we don’t want to inadvertently communicate to our spouses that our love for them is conditional. Eventually, people will grow tired of having to measure up every day. No one can measure up to that pressure.

There’s no greater gift in a marriage than being loved for who you are – warts and all. I've been married to Jeannie for almost 34 years. The things she considers “flaws” are the things I find most attractive. She has a quirky since of humor. She’s a great nurse which means she asks way too many questions about my health.

I love her…and I wouldn't change a thing, not even the parts she thinks are flaws…

She knows everything about me…and loves me anyway…she gives me no better gift. I’m safe with her and I can’t tell you how important that is to me.

So, if you've put your spouse on a pedestal, help them down before they fall and hurt themselves… and you with them.

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