The Promise of Provision

God’s Word guides us in ALL things.

We don’t have to walk in the dark, even when nothing God seems to be doing makes any sense! In fact, it’s often in our most difficult moments that we gain the deepest insight and begin to understand how big our God really is…

Take Abraham and Isaac as an example.

Son of Promise, Isaac was finally born after twenty-five years of waiting. The heir of the epic Abrahamic-covenant between God and Man, Isaac was the demonstration of the promise fulfilled for Abraham and Sarah. Yet in Genesis 22 God calls to Abraham to come away, and sacrifice his promised son… seem a bit crazy? Youbetcha… 

Life with Christ leads us to unknown and unfamiliar places. For sure. 

Navigating the pressures of family, faith and relationships will at many stages of our life simply become too murky to see the path forward.

Scripture, the Word of God provides the Christian with the illumination we need to take the ‘next’ step. Sometimes that’s all we can see. Only the next step, so the follower of Christ will be forced to exercise their faith by choosing to disregard what they can’t control and leap into the unknown with the confidence that God is and will ‘catch’ them before they fall.

This is how God trains us to trust. 

After a few moments of life where we absolutely can’t see what’s next and yet still obey God’s leading, we grow. We gain confidence in the character of God. We begin to believe that what is promised will be fulfilled. We also learn that the ways God moves in our lives to accomplish those promises… is odd, unfamiliar and even uncomfortable, but nevertheless effective.

Abraham arrived at Moriah with his son of promise ready and willing to radically trust God in Genesis 22… but it’s in that moment God reveals Himself in a more intimate way.

Jehovah Ji’reh, or the God who “see’s and provides”! This was a new facet of God revealed to Abraham, but only after obeying God was it ‘knowable’!

No way could any of us ever take such a huge step of faith without spending regular, real, intimate, personal-time with our heavenly Father. His presence removes our fear, doubt and frustration in a moment… replacing it with peace and joy. It sheds light on the darkest of circumstances and provides us with hope when we need it most! 

If your life seems to be full of murky confusion… it may be that you just need to turn the lights on to get a better perspective…?

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