The Pursuit

Scripture: Psalm 105-106

"Search for the LORD and for His strength; continually seek Him." Psalm 105:4

My brother and I grew up on Elsinore Place. Eight other children lived on our street which ended in a wonderful private cul-de-sac. We neighborhood kids played street ball, rode bikes down the big hill, and enjoyed hours of hide-and-seek.

Unlike my neighbors taking cover behind a tree, God does not hide from us and is easy to find (hint: in Scripture). The Creator of the Universe wants to have a relationship with me and with you. Being in communion with Him relieves our stress, comforts our hearts, and increases our faith. This is why He told us in Psalm 105:4 to "Search for the LORD and for His strength; continually seek Him."

I love television shows about fictional crimes. The classic ‘whodunit’ intrigues me and I like predicting the culprit (and being right!). The thrill of crime solving pales in comparison though to searching for the Lord. There’s no mystery to unravel or misdemeanor to crack. Instead, we have a Savior to search for and know through the pages of the Bible.

Search is the Hebrew word daw-rash. It means to resort to, seek with care, and inquire. At times, when life is hard and drains us, the Lord might not be our first choice to turn to for comfort or to ask for wisdom. Yet, He is our strength and will uphold us when we are weak. We simply need to seek Him out by studying His Word and asking Him questions about things we don’t understand. Scripture and the Holy Spirit will reveal to us all we need to know about God and bolster us up when times are tough.

Searching in an investment of time that gives great rewards. Take a few moments today to seek the Lord and His strength. Remember, God wants to be found!

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