Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness.” Genesis 1: 26
To be YOU, to know who the real YOU is, you must go back to the very beginning. You must come to believe that you were God’s idea, and because of His great desire for you to be, He created YOU. It’s an awesome thought: You are a creation of God!
You were on God’s mind, long before you were born. He loved you deeply and chose you to be His child. Not only that, you were expertly designed by the same hands that created the countless stars, the mountains and the seas, and all the perfect creatures in them. There is so much comfort in knowing this because you realize you don’t have to create yourself. You don’t have to carry the stress of trying to carve out your own path and destiny. If you will believe God fashioned you with a plan and a purpose, you can rest in the truth that the real you, and all the details of your life, are found in your relationship with Him.
But God doesn’t stop there. Not only were you created by Him, you were made to be like Him. He breathed His very life into you. YOU are a divine person with a divine purpose and life to live. This is a huge truth that seems too good to be true, doesn’t it? You might look at your life right now and say, “This does not look like God!” We’ve all had times when we’ve thought that. Nevertheless, God’s Word is true, and as you walk with Him daily and come to know Him deeper, this reality will become bigger and more real in your life.
Today, meditate on these truths: Believe you were created by the same God that created the heavens and the earth. Think about the fact that you are not just a mammal; you are a dynamic person with gifts and talents and opportunities that have been prepared and planned out just for you to walk in!
Father, I believe You are God, Creator, and Lord. Thank You for loving me, for choosing me, and for speaking Your life into me. I believe I am created in Your image to live a life of purpose and significance. You’ve perfectly designed ME to be unique and wonderful and I embrace the fullness of who You created me to be.