The Reality

Matthew 5:21-26

Because Jesus understood that strained and fractured relationships are a reality of life, he was very serious about reconciliation. So much so, he died for it. Reconciliation wasn’t easy for him and he knows it’s not easy for us. He also knows we often hold on to a bad situation rather than step out in faith and attempt to be reconciled.

Therefore, Jesus teaches if we’re coming before God to worship and remember we’ve offended someone, reconcile immediately before entering the building. This could mean texting that person to ask for forgiveness and a time to talk or apologizing in the parking lot. A key mark of a Jesus follower is an eagerness to restore broken relationships whenever possible.

As King David says in Psalm 51.16-17, “You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it … My sacrifice, O God, is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart you, God, will not despise.” God desires our reconciliation to come from a sincere heart of repentance; we’re to focus on our own heart, not the other person’s.

As you welcome God into your day, consider the One Big Question: When was there a fractured relationship that you took initiative to heal? Whether it turned out well or not, thank him for blessing you for your obedience and trust him to bring resolution in his timing. Share with your small group or a close friend how reconciliation has affected your faith.

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