The Treasure Hunt

I had the revelation that working hard for your dream or career is a lot like a treasure hunt. We start off with a map and a survival kit, the map being a personal plan of the steps we must take to succeed and the survival kit being whatever we use to cope with life’s challenges. Sure, most people get lost in the wilderness; setbacks occur – a lack of finances, problems within the family, debilitating illnesses, or addiction.

Depending on the directions you obtain, life will give you options. Whether you seek spiritual direction, peer-to-peer direction, self-help books, a list of goals, or a backpack of ambition, you discover a way out. During the hunt, weeks pass as life changes from day to dark and back to day again. Life becomes a never-ending cycle of change, life lessons, and self-discovery. Hope is restored every time you reset your inner compass, which is the drive inside of you that never gives up.

I’m on a treasure hunt to live with purpose and passion. God put a few jewels on my path to remind me that no matter how dangerous, slippery, or unknown the hunt is, my hard work is well worth the value of the treasure box on the other side.

I think of “jewels” in a metaphorical way. A jewel is a special experience that confirms your giftings, talents, and abilities. Jewels are the “fruit of your labor,” and the evidence of God’s sustaining presence in your life. I think of jewels as signs and clues to your purpose. So, what type of “jewels” have I discovered in my treasure box?

Jewel #1: I was selected as a participant in a poetry slam hosted by Jefferson Bethke and Micah Bournes. The international conference held a poetry slam that placed importance on creative advocacy and speaking up on behalf of the oppressed. Most importantly, I was inspired by the creativity and boldness of other participants. Meeting spoken word artists from all over the country was exhilarating, rewarding, and taught me a lot about myself. The sponsor for the slam was Relevant Magazine. 

Jewel #2: I was the opening act for an Emmy Award winning Journalist and solo award winning actor. I opened for her hilarious, captivating and heartfelt show, Mama Juggs! The show partnered with Loving Arms Cancer Outreach, raising over 1,000 dollars for cancer! It was a blessing to talk to a cancer survivor that day and hear feedback about how my poem inspired her!

Jewel #3: I was chosen as a speaker for Marietta’s 1st Annual Empowering Youth to Success Conference! I performed three spoken word pieces and shared the difficulties I faced during my high school education. I challenged students to appreciate mentors because mentors give them the opportunity to grow and create a better future.

I didn’t include every “jewel” here. However, my inner compass directs me to additional jewels every day… I can feel it! I know it!

I want you to make your treasure hunt worth the fight. Discover your “jewels” in life! You can do it! Here’s some advice to consider as you navigate through your personal treasure hunt for success!

  • Don’t wait until every circumstance is perfect to pursue your passion. Don’t postpone your dream for the ideal circumstance or condition. No time will be just right for you to begin. You have to make the time right. Grab life by its claws and let your imperfections propel you to greater strengths.
  • Take risks and leaps of faith on the journey! Try new things to discover more about your personality.
  • Focus on your God-given gifts. Your dream will miss the target if the arrow is focused on the wrong desires. For example, don’t try to sing if God didn’t put the gift of music inside of you. Do what you are anointed in and pursue self-awareness to reach your goals.
  • Don’t try to become like everyone else! Comparison will steal your joy. Focus on being Christ-like instead. Acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will direct your paths.
  • Let adversity motivate you to help others. Your pain will become your prize if you surrender the hurt to Jesus. Some of my greatest dreams were birthed out of my deepest pains. When you help someone reach their dream, like a boomerang, a divine connection will come into your life to help you do the same! Its cause and effect!  
  • When you make a mistake, avoid negative self-talk. Focus on your good qualities. Refuse to beat yourself up about your error. Get up and try again. Thankfully, when I am in need of grace, God picks me up and puts me on my feet again. I fall and stand multiple times on this hunt but, the treasure box is well worth the perseverance.
  • Know your true identity in Christ and don’t let this world define you by a stereotypical label. Know what God’s Word says about you. Labels will keep you in a box. God’s promises give you freedom.
  • Obey God and leave the consequences up to Him. You can’t control every aspect of your success. Give God your seeds of courage and faith. Leave the results up to Him. God controls the storms and rain. It’s your responsibility to control your attitude and perspective. The rainbow shines brighter after the rain anyways.

I encourage you to look out for jewels (clues of your purpose) while you hunt for your talents or career. Dig up the treasure, and you’ll find out that you are exactly where you’re meant to be, doing exactly what you were born to do.

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