The True You

A lot of people are tired. Some are even tired from trying to follow God and do what he says. And the problem isn’t that the heart is sinful and weak. (It may be, but that’s not why it’s tired.)

The problem is that we easily buy into a gospel of never-ending effort to become someone we’re not rather than a gospel of rest in who God really designed us to be. And the gospel is only "good news" if it’s the latter.

The real gospel is not about adding a layer of expectations on you. It’s about breaking through all the junk and distortions to unveil the true you, the person you were designed to be who has been hidden under false images all these years. That’s why Jesus was able to say that his yoke is easy and his burden is light (Matthew 11:30). This is no heavy gospel; it’s freedom from the things that have weighed you down.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).

Today, ask God for a deeper understanding of what this means. It’s not about license to do whatever; it’s about freedom from oppressive, unattainable standards—and about freedom from the false you. The place of complete rest is the place of complete trust in God to accomplish his work in you. And if you’re like most people, you really need some rest. Embrace the truth that gives it to you.

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