The Ultimate Provider

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

I thought I would sit down and brag on my God for a minute, a little testimony if you will.  Being a single mother, dreams are not hard to come by, considering that reality is a swift slap in the face at any given time of the day.  We can dream of what we would like to have, then set about seeking that and more often than not, our eyes and our dreams are a little bigger than our pocketbooks and our current abilities. 

Not saying the dream cannot manifest one day, but there is still the “right now.”  Having said all of this, I had a current, right now kind of need.  My lease was coming up on my townhouse and I really needed a new place to move to.  My current residence, although in a very nice neighborhood, came with its fair share of bad seeds.  I knew it was time to get out when my front door was spray painted, and it sure didn’t say “We Love You!” or anything else as kind.  But luckily it wasn’t a personal attack as my door was not the only one affected, but it was definitely a heads up.

I started looking in my area for a place to move to, really not wanting to change my children’s schools.  I looked high and low, but to no avail.  The houses in the area were, let’s say, definitely out of reach for my current abilities and even the apartments in the area drew a raised-eyebrow when it came to rent amounts.  I couldn’t go any farther north where the properties were cheaper because the commute before and after-work would be too hard and stressful considering I still have a child in day-care (and they don’t like you being late). So, needless to say, this became a frustrating look and at times very discouraging.  But God.

In my frustration one day, I called a good friend of mine and just laid it all out for her.  I told her how stressed I was and that I really needed God to drop a house down out of the sky for me that I could afford.  That I wanted one in my area or really close to it that would allow us to settle and that would bring peace to our lives.  It felt good letting all my frustrations out and gave me the new breath I needed to keep trying.  Lo and behold, that evening, that very same friend sent me a text at midnight saying that she had a friend who was renting their house in a neighborhood very close to mine.  Not only were they renting a house, but the house had everything I was desiring!  It was plenty spacious, on a cul-de-sac with a huge back-yard and in a quiet, peaceful neighborhood.  Not to mention that the monthly rent amount that they were requesting was almost exactly what I was paying for my townhouse.

Too good to be true?

I met with the owners and took a tour of the house, and knew I wanted to live there.  I loved it, it was more than what I could have asked for in my current situation.  But, there was just one little problem.  They already had someone who had placed a deposit on the house, but were not sure they were wanting to move just yet.  They put the deposit as more of a surety than anything else.  Bummer…but God, once again.  I stayed in contact with them, letting them know my interest still. Although it is not in my nature to push against the grain, I just knew that all of this had come together for reason, and I didn’t want to give up too soon.  I even put in my 60-day notice at my current residence holding out in faith that something good was going to happen here.  I knew that if God hadn’t provided that house for me, then there would be another. Even then, the control freak in me started to prepare for the worst and look elsewhere.

After the initial excitement wore off and reality started setting in, I got on with life and put my focus onto other things, still trusting God for a place to live. I still had hope for that one house, but I had not heard anything concerning the decision of the owners on what they wanted to do about the house and the other family that had put a deposit down. Then I got the final decision. I remember sitting on my couch Easter Sunday and hearing a text message notification on my phone.  I went to go check it and this is what I read: “Hi Jamie.  Happy Easter. We want you and the kids to have the house.  We will contact you soon for further details.”  AGH!  YES!  I fell to the floor just overcome with emotion, because it was a God thing!!!!!  Totally in His timing and out of my control did He provide for me in the most amazing way.

I have to say I was a little unsure of myself now that it was mine. In preparing for the move, I was not sure how the landlords would be, how involved they would be. A house is not as impersonal as renting an apartment, and I can be a very private person at times, reverting to my shell when the world gets too hard to bear. But after some very interesting scenarios, I can honestly say that I love the family that owns the house and I am very much blessed with knowing them. God knows those things in me that need a little help with development and change, and He knows just the right people to send my way.

I hope my testimony shows that God will give you what you need. He will give you your heart’s desire if you just trust and wait on Him to provide. Through this process, I have felt Him impressing on my heart that He is taking care of me, and will take care of me. And that is more security than any man can provide. I love the house, I love the family that owns the house, and I am looking forward to what God as in store for me now. And don’t forget…God is not a respecter of persons. What He has done for one, He can and will do for another!

“And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Now to our God and Father be glory forever and ever.”  Philippians 4:19-20

Written by – Jamie Stapleton

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