The Ultimate Squad Goals Guide

I’ll never forget the days of walking across the basketball court gym with my teammates by my side. This was my squad of girls. They made me feel like we were some of the coolest chicks on the planet. I liked my team. I liked my teammates. I loved being a part of a squad.

Recently, I saw a picture on social media of several famous celebrities captioned “squad goals.” Over the years, I’ve come to realize that my “squad goals” look very different than they did back in high school. I’m looking for a different type of squad.

  • Squad goal: Find girls that I can encourage and be encouraged by.
  • Squad goal: Challenge others and be challenged to live like Christ.
  • Squad goal: Surround myself with strong girls who are willing to live out biblical femininity.
  • Squad goal: Be a part of a group of that represents a name bigger than ourselves.
  • Squad goal: Team up to live for a greater purpose.

I’m all about being a part of a squad or sisterhood, but only if that squad has a bigger purpose than drawing eyes to ourselves.

Brave Girls Wanted

It’s tempting to believe that the ultimate girl is one who has the guys, looks, wardrobe, and squad to match her lifestyle. If we’re not careful, we can convince ourselves that life is about us and making our name great. Deep inside we want other people to look at our social media pics and think, #goals. We might be tempted to use our friendships to scratch that itch.

I’m here to invite you to a girl squad with a completely different agenda. This girl squad is about representing Jesus and pointing others toward Him.

Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God. For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God (2 Cor. 5:20–21).

We need brave girls who are willing to break free from culture’s version of femininity and embrace God’s incredible design for womanhood. We need girls who tap into the power of sisterhood to point each other toward Christ.

As Christians, the purpose of our squad is to partner in being Christ’s ambassadors and representing the leader of our squad well in the way we live, talk, act, and dress. Pointing others to Him is the #goal along with living in a way that makes the gospel irresistible to those around us.

By Bethany Baird

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