The (Un)Real World?

Q. I thought I wanted to go to a Christian college, but one of my teachers has made me question whether or not that's the best choice. He said it won't prepare me for the real world because I'll be surrounded by Christians, and that's not realistic. Is he right?

A. Christian college students are not immune to the real world, nor are they separated from it. Real world issues and temptations will surround them: eating disorders, addictions, sex, stresses, sin. Both on and off campus there will be "real life" issues you'll face as you try to live out your Christian faith. In any setting there are challenges for us as God's people to learn how to live justly, to avoid sin, to love one's neighbor, to serve others as Jesus did, and to reconcile people to God and to each other.

But here is the real advantage of a Christian education: Through Christ-centered studies and campus ministry opportunities, you'll have the opportunity to form a Christian worldview. And it is through this important lens that you'll learn to see and respond to the world around you—including the world on campus. Then think about the future: A solid Christian worldview, fine-tuned and tried out on a Christian campus and the surrounding community, will equip you for life after college—a life that will hopefully make a significant difference in a world that needs God.

Written by Judy Moseman

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