The Vision of YOU

Where there is no vision, the people perish. Proverbs 29:18 (KJV)

Vision is a dynamic life force. It’s a spiritual power that gives you the ability to see by faith, even those things that you cannot see with your natural eye. In fact, I believe what you “see” when your eyes are closed is far more important than what your see when they are open. Your vision of the real YOU cannot be who you see reflected in the mirror, because that you will morph and change as you go through life. No, the vision of the authentic YOU is who you see with the eyes of your heart.

Who do you see when you close your eyes? Be brutally honest. Then believe, whoever that is, that God loves you unconditionally, right here, right now. Just the way you are. And if you never changed a thing, God would still love you completely. Let your vision for YOU start there. As a child loved wholly and outrageously by God. This is where the real YOU begins.

So many people are perishing in this world because they don’t have this vision. They don’t believe there is a God who loves them so much, that even before they did anything to deserve it, He gave His only Son into the world to die just so they could be reunited into fellowship with Him. Maybe the reason some reading this devotional have felt their “real YOU” has been perishing is because they’ve never let this reality sink into the core of their vision. Maybe this is you?

Yes, there may be aspects of YOU that you struggle with right now. But instead of diving into the next self-help program, maybe spend some quality time learning to believe that God’s love is authentic, powerful, and personal towards YOU. Get a vision of YOU being favored and accepted by an unmatchable Father in Heaven. This is where the real YOU begins.


Meditate today about God’s love for YOU personally, specifically, and intimately. Allow that truth to roll around your mind and heart until that vision becomes vividly clear. This might take some time, but it’s well worth it!


Father, I believe and accept Your love for me. You loved me before I did anything to deserve it, You love me now, even when I make mistakes, and You will love me
for eternity. Thank You that You help me to build this vision as a foundation for my life.

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