The Voice of Accusation

Both Jesus and scripture are clear that God and his people have an enemy, and one of this enemy’s most effective strategies against us is accusation. He is “the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night” (Revelation 12:10 nkjv). That’s good information to have, but it’s a little alarming when the accuser of the brethren speaks to us through other brethren. Sadly, that happens a lot.

Christians—not all, but many—are infamous for pointing fingers at each other. Though it’s good to be discerning, there’s a hidden accusation behind many of our statements about right and wrong: “You ought to be ashamed of yourself.” That’s a strategy of the enemy, not of God, and it has to stop. Grace is the climate of the kingdom.

God will certainly correct his children at times, but he will never shame you. (Guilt says, “You did something bad.” Shame says, “You are bad.”) Shame is an attack on your identity, which God has already redeemed and restored. You may have been fallen and broken, but he now calls you his child and fills you with his Spirit. Your identity is thoroughly good.

Listen to God's voice of correction, but know that any voice that comes to you with accusation and shame is not his—even when it comes through the mouths of his people.

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