The Way to Find Your Life Is to Lose It

Success is something we place a lot of value on in the culture in which we live. We place a high value on achieving, on pushing forward and climbing higher and grasping at what we perceive as success. This comes as a result of our spirit of conquest and our competitive natures. But God’s Kingdom people have values that are flipped on their heads. The American Way isn’t necessarily the Kingdom Way.

Jesus put it this way to his bewildered followers, “If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it.” (Matthew 10:39 NLT)

There isn’t anything wrong with succeeding, unless the path toward success takes us away from the life God intended for us to live for Him. While we focus on forming and chasing a big dream, God ultimately calls us to lay our dreams on an altar and pursue Jesus and His Kingdom instead. Sometimes, pursuing Him instead of personal success actually leads to personal success as He places us in positions of influence for His glory’s sake.

If you’re living for the next promotion, the bigger house, the higher position, the image you have in your mind of what “success” looks like, you may miss the very best pursuit of all – the pursuit of knowing your Creator intimately. But if you loosen your grip on your life and yield entirely to His will and His desire for you, your relationship with Him will become far more fulfilling than any position you could ever occupy.

The way to find your life is to lose it, to let it go.

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