Ah Lord GOD! behold, thou hast made the heaven and the earth by thy great power and stretched out arm, and there is nothing too hard for thee." Jeremiah 32:17
When we look at the world with all of its trials, troubles, tribulations, and heartaches; we sometimes ask: "Where is God? Why doesn't He do something?" Is it that God is not able? Is the situation too large or too difficult for God?
The Majesty of God's Limitless Power
God told Abraham that he was going to have a son in his old age, and Abraham was a little quizzical about it. In Genesis 18:14, God asked Abraham, "Is anything too hard for the LORD?" Later, Jeremiah gives the answer: "There is nothing too hard for thee."
There is no promise too hard for God to keep. There are over thirty thousand promises in the Bible, and God will keep His Word. If God made the promise, He cannot lie. There is no promise too hard for God to keep.
There's no prayer too hard for God to answer. Jesus said in Matthew 21:22, "And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." When you ask in prayer and believe, you'll receive.
There is no problem too hard for God to solve. God specializes in things that seem impossible. Now God may not solve your problem the way you want Him to, but there's no problem too hard for God to solve.
There's no person too hard for God to save. God can save anyone if he'll come to Him.
The Mystery of Man's Limiting Power
Did you know that puny man can limit Almighty God? There's nothing too hard for God, yet let me tell you how you can limit God and bind the hands that want to bless:
An unwilling spirit — There was a man who was sentenced to death. Some people went to the governor and pled for the man's life. The governor wrote a pardon. The man said, "I will not accept it." The high court adjudicated that the pardon is rendered invalid and the man must be hanged if he refuses the pardon.
You have the dubious privilege to say no to the Lord. If you're not willing, there are not enough angels in heaven to drag you to Jesus.
An unconcerned attitude — In Revelation 3:20, Jesus says, "Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him...." He has limitless power. Do you think there's any door that could keep out the Lord of Glory if He wanted to open it? Yet, Jesus stands at the door knocking until someone decides to let Him in.
An unreasonable mindset — If you have an unreasonable mindset, you can use silly, superficial reasoning and say no to God. Some people say:
- "I will not go to church because my mother made me go to church." I imagine his mother made him take a bath also, so now he doesn't take a bath anymore?
- "Well, there are hypocrites in the church." Some lawyers are shysters; some doctors are quacks; and some money is counterfeit. But, if you need a lawyer or a doctor, you find one. And you've not yet burned all of your cash because some money is fake.
- "I'd like to be a Christian, but there's just so much to give up." It's like saying, "I'd like to be healed, but I don't want to give up my cancer." The only things God asks you to give up are things that will hurt you.
An unclean lifestyle — Did you know if you harbor sin in your heart, you have limited God and kept Him from answering your prayers (Isaiah 59:1-2)? Has God failed to answer prayer because He's weak or can't hear you?" No, He doesn't answer prayer because your sins have separated you from Him.
An unbelieving heart — Now all sin is terrible, but the worst sin is unbelief. Unbelief is devastating (Matthew 13:58). Faith is the channel through which the risen Lord pours His life into you. If you refuse to believe, you refuse God entry.
There is nothing too hard for God, but we can and do limit God. Now I think, folks, we're pretty foolish if we bind those blessed hands, the hands that want to bless.