There’s a Way

You have hopes, dreams, and desires. Everyone does. Some of them are simply your own, but some have been placed in your heart by God. And yet, even when God has planted a dream deeply within you, there’s a voice, a situation, and obstacle that says, “No way.” It looks like it can’t happen. Your great desire looks like an impossibility.

That’s nothing to God. Impossibilities come up often among his people—his Word tells us about many of them—and he finds a way around them. He creates streams in the middle of deserts (Isaiah 43:19), he removes insurmountable walls and invincible enemies, and he makes a way where there seems to be no way. “No way” is meaningless to him. There’s always a way.

Cling to your hopes. Let go of your whims and self-crafted designs, but once you’ve discerned that a desire is from God, refuse to let opponents and obstacles overshadow it. Even when it looks like there is no way, there is. And God will open that way when your faith is sure and the time is right.

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