Do you realize who you are and how much God needs you to fulfill your destiny in advancing His cause here on earth? Does it surprise you that the heavenly Father is depending on you?
God has specifically designed a life-course for you! Your entire life was mapped out prior to your birth. The psalmist declares:
You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. -Psalm 139:16 NLT
God wrote a book about you before your parents even thought of having you—before a single day had passed. Celebrities and rulers aren’t the only ones with books containing their life stories. No, yours is recorded too, and the amazing reality is this: it was mapped out and penned by God before you were born.
You may protest, “But my life has had bumps, bruises, and even wrecks due to my bad choices. Did God author that?”
No! God mapped out our lives, but it is up to us to walk the exhilarating path He created for us. Wrong choices can detour us—but don’t be discouraged or condemned. When we stray from the course, genuine repentance can right the ship.
You may again question, “But I’ve had terrible things happen that were not the result of bad choices. Life has dealt me some hard blows. Did God author the disappointments and hardships?”
Again, no. We live in a fallen world. Consequently, Jesus said we would have tribulation and would suffer adversity. The good news is that because God knew what manner of evil would try to overtake you before you were born, He made paths for you to escape and even come out triumphant. This is why He calls us “overcomers” in His Word.
So do you want to live that story God scripted for you? Then don’t miss these words. Hebrews 12:1 exhorts us:
Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us. (NKJV)
God has set a race before each of His children. You’ll have to run with endurance—relentless perseverance—to finish your race well. Your course cannot be completed any other way.
It’s interesting to note that endurance is the single virtue highlighted in this passage. The writer doesn’t say “Let us run with happiness” or “Let us run with purpose” or “Let us run with seriousness.” Don’t get me wrong—happiness, purpose, and seriousness, as well as other virtues, are all important to the Christian walk. But the key virtue is relentless endurance. I love The Message Bible’s rendition of Hebrews 12:1: “Strip down, start running—and never quit!”
Completing our course is crucial not only for us but also for those we are called to influence. It’s important not to turn back or veer from the path that God has put before us, because the impact of our faithfulness will go far beyond what we can see.
If you are a child of God, you have what it takes to do this. Your success isn’t about your qualifications. It’s not about what you’ve done or have or think you deserve. It’s about what you’re willing to believe—in response to the promises and power of our awesome God. As Jesus once said:
“With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible.” -Mark 10:27 NKJV
You may be facing adversity today in your marriage, family, employment, business, school, finances, health, or elsewhere. Your situation may seem utterly hopeless and without solution. I want to encourage you: no matter how tough your circumstances, they are not impossible to God. But notice that Jesus did place an important qualifier on this promise. “If you can believe,” He said, “all things are possible to him who believes” (Mark 9:23 NKJV).
God has placed the enabling power of His Holy Spirit within you. If you remain steadfast, you will be able to declare with the apostle Paul, “I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful” (2 Timothy 4:7 NLT). I pray that as you commit yourself to persevere and believe, you will see the impossible made possible in every circumstance!